Concealed Carry Challenge | Oct 23, 2024 | Ready Gunner


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The course of fire for these event scenarios will be different each month, it may consist of multiple scenarios in unusual conditions.

The premise of this course was designed to provide real life encounters and allow you to react in real time:

Todd takes scenes from his past law enforcement years and sets up the situation, gives you specific things aspects that you know going into it, and withholds other information about the assailant (does he have a weapon, holding a hostage, intoxicated, unknown shelter or barricade thickness and many many more).

You are placed in a real life situation, and as the scene plays our, you get to practice exercising your technique along with justifying your own use of force.

Post scenario, Todd assists in the break down of the scene, discusses and teaches strategies and techniques of how to handle these kinds of high threat encounters.

Scenarios will be different each month, and may consist of multiple conditions, including Shoot/no shoot decisions, Low light/no light, Multiple threats, Hostage situations, Weapon stoppages or malfunctions, Team Dynamics and tactics.

Good decision-making is as important as accurate hits on target. Bring your Every Day Carry gear and join us for this unique challenge!


PRICE: $40





  • Your personal Every Day Carry (EDC) gear. (whatever you would typically have with you at any given time.)
  • Eye and ear protection
  • 50 Round Minimum, we prefer you bring 100 rounds of practice rounds.
  • No SERPA-style holsters


7 PM to 9 PM at the Ready Gunner range,  Ready Gunner 1066 S State St, Orem, UT 84097

In stock

Categories: , , Product ID: 2440

Event Details

Start date: October 23, 2024

End date: October 23, 2024

Start time: 19:00

End time: 21:00

Venue: Ready Gunner 1066 S State St, Orem, UT 84097

Directions: Ready Gunner 1066 S State St, Orem, UT 84097

Phone: (408)682-0556

Email: [email protected]