Ready Gunner Handgun 2 Proficiency | April 24 and 25, 2025 | Ready Gunner


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This class builds from Handgun 1 Foundations and adds a number of new variations to build on the fundamentals

After reviewing safety fundamentals covered in the RG Handgun 1 course, this class will advance to small movements & shooting, introduce  drawing from the holster and concealment, and build on fundamental skills to help you gain more familiarity and confidence with your firearm.

The class will cover the following new concepts:

  • Moving & Shooting
  • Introductions to home defense
  • Introduction to Drawing from the Holster or Concealment on day 2
  • Field Stripping your Gun and cleaning your firearm

Repetitive training of handgun 1 includes

  • Safety Handling
  • Maintaining Grip of your firearm
  • Sight Alignment
  • Body Position / Stance
  • Refining your Sights use
  • Acquiring your Target more quickly and accurately
  • Aim Improvement Techniques

TIME COMMITMENT: 2 – 4hr days (Total of 8 hours)

PRICE: $150

SETTING: Range & Classroom

This course will have a short safety briefing in the classroom on both days and then head into the range.

You will be shooting in front of the regular range bays, using some of the range trays, your instructor will create multiple shooting paths.

The class will end back in the classroom where you instructor will teach you how to field strip and clean your firearm.


PREREQUISITES: Must complete 1 of the following courses.

  • Basic pistol NRA course or equivalent
  • Ready Gunner HG 1 Fundamentals
  • Women’s Handgun 1
  • If you have taken training from another instructor or organization, please contact a member of our team to review it and allow us to permit you into the class.
  • Your safety and the safety of others is the upmost concern, if you can demonstrate your safety proficiency we will gladly make an exception on the prerequisites.


  • Semi-Automatic pistol
  • Proper fitting holster for that firearm
  • A sturdy belt to support the holster
  • Pants with belt loops
  • Minimum 2 pistol magazines
  • 250 Rounds
  • Eyes & Ear Protection
  • Suitable Range Attire
  • Closed toed shoes


After taking handgun 2 and demonstrating your proficiency in safety and technique, we welcome you to join our handgun 3 class also known as “defensive handgun”. If at the end of taking this course you are not sure if you have grasped the techniques, please take a moment and speak to the instructor to see if they recommend you move on to the HG 3, or if you should attend a skills class to get more practice and build the needed skills.

HG 3 – Defensive handgun introduces you to human pictured targets, good guy vs bad guy images and is designed to help prepare you mentally with decision making capabilities of assessing the proper use of force, justification for the use of your firearm, building on fundamental techniques while increasing the stress of the situations to allow for practice of a heightened encounters.

This will include moving and shooting and drawing from the holster, with split second decision making in a live round environment.


Ready Gunner Store
1066 S. State St
Orem, UT 84097

Instructor Patty Reay

In stock

Categories: , , Product ID: 2555

Event Details

Start date: April 24, 2025

End date: April 25, 2025

Start time: 17:00

End time: 21:00

Venue: Ready Gunner 1066 S State St, Orem, UT 84097

Directions: Ready Gunner 1066 S State St, Orem, UT 84097

Phone: (408)682-0556

Email: [email protected]