Event Details
Start date: April 10, 2023
End date: April 10, 2023
Start time: 18:00
End time: 20:00
Venue: American Preparatory Academy
Directions: 1195 Elkridge Dr, Salem, UT 84653
Phone: (408)203-0119
Email: [email protected]
Fight Back Nation Course (2 hours)
6 PM to 8 PM at American Preparatory Academy 1195 Elkridge Dr, Salem, UT 84653
This is a free Fight Back Nation Level 1 course that is open to the public for one of the first times ever! As we have already seen in this nation, active killers don’t just happen at schools. You will learn about the history of active shooters and how to disarm an active shooter. Our expert staff of off duty law enforcement officers, military personnel, and firearms instructors will be there to answer your direct questions and have private conversations about your specific needs. As always teachers and school administrators are welcome at this event. .
Equipment list:
1. An open mind
2. Pen and notepad for taking notes
In stock
Start date: April 10, 2023
End date: April 10, 2023
Start time: 18:00
End time: 20:00
Venue: American Preparatory Academy
Directions: 1195 Elkridge Dr, Salem, UT 84653
Phone: (408)203-0119
Email: [email protected]