Tactical & Shotgun Courses
All of our tactical courses require a sling for the carbine/rilfe/shotgun and a holster for the pistol you are using, multiple magazines, pouches to hold the magazines, and proper eye and ear protection. For a detailed equipment list please contact us at [email protected]

Tactical Shotgun Clinic (1 day 6-8 hours)
Our one day Tactical Shotgun Clinic is designed to give an operator a good understanding of the 12 or 20 gauge shotgun and its versatility as a defensive weapon. We will assist you building a fundamental skill set with the shotgun and being able to run a shotgun for home defense or in a tactical environment. We will cover proper ammo selec tion for each operator’s unique circumstances. We can give you options to selec t ammunition on fly and load from different types of ammunition the operator has at their disposal. This is a fast paced course so please be prepared. For any questions please feel free to contact any of our staff. (Minimum of 125 bird shot, 25 buck shot, and 25 slugs)

Team Tactics (1 day 6-8 hours)
Our one and two-day Team Tactics courses will foster teamwork and teach stress management, weapons manipulations, team movements, team communication, and fighting in basic CQB situations. We recommend this course for most husbands and wives in preparation for their own home defense however it is directed to Law Enforcement and Security Patrol Teams working in team environments. We will help you to develop cognitive combative skills, fighting with a pistol or long gun alongside another person and communicating while fighting in a team environment. Shooting, moving and communicating are the core skills we focus on in this course. This one or two day course will challenge your team to their highest level. Our Defensive Handgun 1 or Defensive Rifle 1 or equivalent is a prerequisite for this course. Proper documentation must be verified prior to entry to this course. (MINIMUM ROUND COUNT – 600 rounds)

Team Tactics (2 Day 12-16 hours)
Our two day Team Tactics course gives us more time to build on the frame work of working as a team in armed encounter. As in our 1 day course we will foster teamwork and teach stress management, weapons manipulations, team movements, team communication, and fighting in basic CQB situations. We will help you to develop the combative skills to survive an armed encounter. We will teach how to fight with a pistol or long gun alongside another person and communicating in a team environment. This two day course will challenge your team to their highest level.

Vehicle Tactics (1 & 2 days 8-16 hours)
As Police Officer, Military, PMC, EPD and CCW holder we spend so much time in vehicles. Do we truly understand how to fight from, in or around our vehicles? In this one day vehicle tactics course, we will give you practical applications on how to use a vehicle to your advantage. Knowing what portions are cover and what portions are concealment is a major portion of this course. This course will have a mandatory certification of core weapons skills and safety prior to being allowed in the course. Muzzle Awareness is must for this course A Team Tactics course is highly recommended. There will be no time for setting your zero so you must come prepared with a properly zeroed rifle if you are going to use one. If you are a CCW holder our recommendation is that you run your concealed carry pistol (EDC) for the course. Shooting from inside a vehicle is a unique experience and by the end of the course you will have mastered drawing your pistol or getting your long gun into the fight and scoring solid hits. Our Defensive Handgun 1 or Defensive Rifle 1 or equivalent is a prerequisite for this course. Proper documentation must be verified prior to entry to this course. (MINIMUM ROUND COUNT – 500 rounds)

Home Defense 1 – Close Quarters Battle 1 (One Day 6-8 hours)
This one day course will help you set up and define a core area of your home as a safe area. We will teach you the dynamics of moving to that area and setting up and hardening that area to protect yourself and your family. We will cover basic room clearing and areas of responsibility. We will be using different targets to get you in the mindset of target identification and threat assessments. We will teach you how to pre-plan escape routes and what to tell responding Law Enforcement and EMS. We will also discuss how ballistics become an integral part in the overall construction of your home and your defensive plan. We will be using simulated weapons (Blue Guns) to assist you in the proper weapon presentation. You may also bring your personal home defense weapon for the use of this course. (Pistol, Rifle or Shotgun) There will be no ammunition allowed on your person for this course. Our Defensive Handgun 1 or Defensive Rifle 1 or equivalent is highly recommended for this course.
(No ammunition will be needed for this course)

Home Defense 2 – CQB 2 (One Day 6-8 hours)
We will build on your skills from HD1/CQB1 and advance them in this one day course. We will focus on communication with your family/two man team and how to get them to move as a unit to defend your home. We will add to your tactical tool box by showing you how to use areas of responsibility/sectors of fire to effectively overpower a threat or an adversary. We will teach you how to use cover and concealment to your advantage. We will go in-depth about the use of angles and how they can assist or hinder you or an adversary. We will be using multiple targets to get you in the mindset of target identification and threat assessments. We will be using Airsoft (type) weapons to assist you in the proper weapon presentation. Home Defense 1/CQB 1 or equivalent is a prerequisite for this course. Proper documentation must be verified prior to entry to this course.
(A limited supply of rental guns may be available but this will need to arranged prior to the course)

Low Light CQB Tactics (One Day 12-16 hours)
Now that you have mastered your CQB skillsets we will add a new dimension to it…Darkness! With 60% of the world in some low light condition at any time darkness can be an advantage or a disadvantage. We will teach the fundamentals of using that darkness to your advantage and using a hand held or weapon mounted light to your highest potential. This 2 day course will teach you how to paint a room with light to hide or to identify a threat. We will build on your skills from HD 2/CQB 2 to hone them to your highest ability. We will add the element of force on force on our second day to test your newly learned skillsets. We will be using Airsoft (type) weapons to assist you in the proper weapon presentation. Home Defense 1/CQB 1 or equivalent is a prerequisite for this course. Proper documentation must be verified prior to entry to this course.
(A limited supply of rental guns may be available but this will need to arranged prior to the course)

Team CQB (Law Enforcement or Military, ETC only) (1-5 days 10-50 hours)
In the LE/Mil realm CQB/HRT is becoming a staple for all teams. Each team must practice this skill set to fully understand how they will cover areas of responsibility and cover each other. Working as team is a perishable skill that each operator needs to constantly use or their skillsets will diminish. We will assist your team with perfecting these skills and building a strong cohesive team. We can assist you with developing a complete set of standard operating procedures (SOP’s) for your team or help you hone your existing ones. Our staff can tailor a specific training program for your company or specialized units. Our staff is versed in a wide variety of different tactics that can be applied to any situation. We have developed programs for security companies, military teams, LEO teams and private individuals with private security contract courses. We can also be a technical advisor for your team, your products and their development. Please feel free to contact us for this type of course.

Contract and Private courses
Our staff can tailor a specific training program for your company or specialized units. We have developed programs for security companies, military teams, LEO teams and private individuals with private security contract courses. We can develop programs for POST certification and be a technical advisor for your products and their development. We have assisted with photo demo shoots, product advertisement and product development. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs and we will work with you to develop a course to fit your needs.