January 13, 2021 - January 13, 2021Spanish Fork, Utah | Utah State Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) Course | February 12, 2021 | Sophos Survival
Are you prepared to defend yourself and those that you love and care about? The choice to carry a firearm is a huge responsibility. This four-hour course is a comprehensive guide for anyone considering owning and carrying a firearm for self-defense. This course will teach the student how to understand conflict avoidance and situational awareness. The student will be introduced to the physiological effects of a violent encounter and how to mitigate the effects. The course covers shooting fundamentals, the basics of how the firearm and ammunition functions. As well as some guidance in firearm, gear, and holster selection.
This course goes in depth in the legal aspects of using deadly force, Utah law, and applicable case law. Several scenarios are discussed to help the student understand how the law can apply to several different situations. We also discuss and give guidance in how to handle the emotional, legal, and moral aftermath of the violent encounter. We will discuss police response and what to expect in an investigation.
This course will fulfill the requirements that the student will need to apply for a Utah Concealed Carry Permit.
This course is classroom only, no live fire or range time.
CCW Application
CCW class
2×2 Passport Photo
Copy of your Driver licenses (needed for the Utah CCW)
Finger Printing (needed for the Utah CCW)
The state of Utah charges an additional $53.25 for the permit and processing fees (this must be paid through credit card number or check pay to BCI).
Utah residents born in the US, just bring your Utah driver’s license and payment, and we will take care of the rest! If you were born out of the US or are not a Utah resident, contact us prior to the class.
Contact us for any additional questions you may have.
Sophos Survival / 244 N Main St Spanish Fork Utah 84660 / 1800-2200 hours
Event Expired
Event Details
Start date: February 12, 2021
End date: February 12, 2021
Start time: 18:00
End time: 22:00
Venue: Sophos Survival 244 N Main St Spanish Fork, Utah 84660
Directions: 244 N Main St
Spanish Fork, Utah 84660
Email: [email protected]